Tim Burchett tweeted the following:
"Due to short staffing today, Campbell County Mobile Office Hours have been POSTPONED. Details on a new date/time will be released once they are finalized."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Tim Burchett:
"Why would Gen. Mark Milley tell our president not to shoot down the balloon? It's clear that he has a relationship with China and that we are playing checkers while they play chess. Thanks @FoxFriendsFirst for having me on to discuss. foxnews.com/video/63198712"Read on Twitter
"Between $90 billion and $400 billion of pandemic relief money was stolen from U.S. taxpayers, and over half went to foreign criminals, according to @NBC. Some of these were drug traffickers, human traffickers, and possibly even terrorists. This is why we need oversight." on Feb. 3Read on Twitter
"I voted to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. We can't be representing anti-Semitic viewpoints on the world stage. Thanks @LyndsayMKeith for having me on to discuss." on Feb. 3Read on Twitter