Tim Burchett tweeted the following:
"America needs a solid plan for how we help out countries around the world. We can't afford to be hypocritical and inconsistent with our foreign aid."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Tim Burchett:
"Topics for this week's @GOPoversight hearings: the border crisis and suppressing free speech.Tuesday, Feb. 7 - A hearing with chief border patrol agentsWednesday, Feb. 8 - A hearing with Twitter executives to discuss its role in suppressing the Biden laptop storyGet ready." on Feb. 6Read on Twitter
"If you would like to request help dealing with a federal agency, please call (865) 523-3772. If you would like to let me know your thoughts on a legislative issue, please call (202) 225-5435. You can also email me at my website: burchett.house.gov/address_authen" on Feb. 6Read on Twitter
"Due to short staffing today, Campbell County Mobile Office Hours have been POSTPONED. Details on a new date/time will be released once they are finalized." on Feb. 6Read on Twitter